
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Yeah, Random, I Know!

     So, I wanted to start this blog to keep track of everything that happens to my little family as the Navy sends my hubby everywhere and back. It is, however, going to be a little more than that! Yes, I'm still going to write about where we go, where we have been, and all of that good stuff but I also want to write about some of my other interests.

     For 2014, there are a few things I would like to undertake or maybe even look into. Mostly just things that interest me. I love crafting, art, photography, and writing (obviously!). I wanted to write these things down before I forget.
     What I want to do this coming year:

  • Get better at my blogging! I want to be more consistent and write more often! I have a few posts pending but just have not had the time to complete them yet. 
  • Check out Project Life
  • Scrapbooking
  • 365 Photography Project
  • 365 Photography Project of my husband and I
  • Art journaling
  • Keep up with my journaling (coincides with blogging really)
  • Edit old photos I just haven't gotten to

     So all of this will be included in here when I do it! Yey! When I undertake projects, I will try to do step-by-step directions and photos because I love doing it and I love to help others learn something new! 
     For now, I am going to try to get caught up on my pending posts. Hopefully, awesome stuff coming soon!!

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