
Thursday, November 28, 2013

25 Days of Christmas

The first year we were dating I had this awesome idea to give my husband a gift a day each day in December leading up to Christmas. I have decided to try and do this for him again! So far I do not have any huge plans and I need to really get started! {Currently the day before Thanksgiving!} Yikes! Only a few days before I need to start!! So here goes nothing, The 25 Days of Christmas 2013.  ((Will Update as I Pull Together Ideas).

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Project Life--The Details So Far

     Ok, so I have been looking into this whole Project Life thing and I cannot believe I have not heard about it before now! Normally, I do my scrapbooking in the traditional way by just occasionally going back and documenting the important events in our lives. Trips, holidays, big events, etc. However, with project life, you go week to week and document things from each week as you go throughout the year. How fun!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Our Newest Addition {Save a Life: Adopt a Shelter Pet Today!}

     My husband and I both grew up with plenty of critters in our lives. Back in Indiana, at our parents' homes, he has 2 dogs and a cat while I have at my dad's 10 horses, 4 dogs, and 10+ barn cats and at my mom's 4 dogs and 1 cat. Yes, that's a lot of critters! I also grew up with an even wider variety from corn snakes to iguanas to tanks full of fish. I was very fortunate to have parents that loved animals as much as I did and allowed me to save all the strays I brought home.

Pensacola, Florida & Surrounding Area: What To Do, Where To Go

     Ok, so my husband was only in Pensacola for around 5 months and he did NOTHING except study and go out to eat with friends a few times. Crazy man did not have a social all. Well, while I was there the two times I visited and the few weeks when I moved there before moving to Texas, I made that man get out and DO things! We were in FLORIDA and I wanted to make the most of it!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Planning Our DIY Wedding From Another State(s)

After my husband and I got engaged we decided to have a courthouse wedding. We wanted to have the benefits of being married since we were already living together and planning to get married anyway. We always had plans to have our "big" wedding in the future.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Yeah, Random, I Know!

     So, I wanted to start this blog to keep track of everything that happens to my little family as the Navy sends my hubby everywhere and back. It is, however, going to be a little more than that! Yes, I'm still going to write about where we go, where we have been, and all of that good stuff but I also want to write about some of my other interests.